PEANUT or GROUNDNUT is primarily an Oil Seed. This is also a common man’s most popular pass time nut. It is used in numerous food preparations in the form of Snacks and Side dishes. It is also used in manufacturing of make-up materials, medicines and textile materials.
INDIA is the second largest producer of peanuts in the World after China. Annual production of peanuts in India exceeds 6 million metric tons. The two major varieties of peanuts produced in India are Bold (Virginia) and Java (Spanish). Bold variety has elongated shape and Java variety has round shape.
The winter crop of peanuts is rain-fed crop whereas the summer crop is irrigated. 70% of the winter crop is the bold variety and 85% of the summer crop is Java variety The Bold variety peanuts are typically red skinned with elongated shape. The Java variety peanuts are pink skinned with round spheroid shape.
GREEN TREE brand Peanuts passes through 12 stages of stringent processing such as Magnetic separation, De-stoning, Color sorting, Aspiration, Computerized packing and so on; so that the best and safe product reaches to your kitchen.
Botanical Name: Arachis hypogaea
Indian Name: Mungphali, Seengdana
Drying: Sun Dried
Cleaning: Mechanical
Bold Sizes (Counts/Ounce): 38/42, 40/45, 45/55, 55/60, 70/80, 80/90
Java Sizes (Counts/Ounce): 40/50, 45/55, 50/60, 60/70, 70/80, 80/90, 90/100, 140/160